Lately I have been trying to keep an eye on my calorie intake and to be honest it's always drop dead difficult if you're a Pinoy, like me, who loves rice in every meal. As you know, I am not really a fan of oats however I was introduced to Oats Rice recently and surprisingly I love it so much! Never have I ever thought it can be savory. For all I know, oats are only meant to be with fruits and milk.
Substituting rice with Quaker Whole
Grain Rolled Oats ensures (1) a healthy heart because of lower
cholesterol that helps your blood sugar level (2) more fiber which keeps you
feel full longer - unlike refined carbs, oats helps you avoid trigger your
cravings thus less binging of unnecessary calories and (3) twice as much the
protein as compared to white rice.
My love affair with cooking helped me personalized Quaker Whole Grain Rolled Oats a rice recipe which, by the way, tastes just like fried rice! I swear this recipe is super easy and cooking doesn’t get easier than this.
2 cups water
1 Tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil (optional)
1/2 to 1 pc red onions, chopped
– 2 cloves garlic, chopped
– 1/2 pc of a red bell pepper, chopped
for the seasoning:
– Parmesan Cheese
– Basil Leaves
the oats, water, soy sauce and sesame oil in one pot and let it simmer until the
oats are properly cooked.
the veggies (onions, garlic and red bell pepper) in a separate pan. Once the
veggies are cooked, incorporate the cooked oats.
put the oats rice in a plate and top it with basil leaves and Parmesan cheese.
Easy as 1-2-3!