December 19, 2018, by Notes by Tine

1 Move out from your comfort zone
I think pushing yourself to your limit is something that we have to at least try. It doesn’t have to be successful but the process is what really matters the most. This is an initial course for our growth and it will somehow help us discover our hidden capabilities and as well as your interest that you have not yet learned for yourself.­

2 Focus on your phase
Each one of us has their own season – even fruits bear in its own time, so do people. You will have your big break someday so stop comparing your life to others. 

3 Your flaws are what make you even more beautiful

4 You can’t please everyone
One thing I have learned during my adulthood is that, no matter how you’re determined to do good with kind intentions people are still going to judge you. Sometimes it gets difficult and useless trying to make an impression and the danger of it is you might lose who you are by pushing yourself to be a puppet of everyone’s interests. Might as well, do whatever you want and let them say what they want to say!

5 Appreciate what you have
Do not take little things for granted. Be grateful enough with everything that you have because others don’t have what you already do and it’s a credit that you have already been given. 

6 Forgive even when you haven’t received an apology
Forgive and Forget – avoid dwelling on the past. If it’s not threatening your present or future then there’s no reason for you to keep on reliving in it. 

7 Be the friend that you’d like to have
Quality over quantity – in this way it is a lot easier to check on them considering we are in a world where anxiety and depression are rising. Choosing the right circle is essential because they are factors that help you define your entity and I think it is important to begin with yourself.

8 Every person you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, be KIND always.

9 Let go
Sometimes the stage of our life determines what type of people we attract and I think that’s the glory of faith. God sends us the people we need at exactly the right time. He gives us the answers we were looking for through these people. Most of them were just temporary because their duty was to show us a different way and then set us free. 

10 Say YES only if you truly mean it

11 Accept criticism and move on with it
There’s always going to be a point in your life that you are being criticized by your choices and actions. It will definitely hurt you once you are being attacked by it but that’s totally normal. You just have to be strong and don’t take every word seriously and learn from that certain situation. Keep going!

12 Sometimes Peace is better than being Right
It is remotely inevitable to avoid different opinions and beliefs of everyone. Forcing someone with your opinion can cause issues. At times, you just simply have to respect their point of view and say no more. Not everything has to be right or wrong.

13 Failures are not mistakes
Mistakes aren’t taboo; you can have as many mistakes as you have as long as you learn from them. I believe it is part of the path in order to lead you right back to where you are meant to be, which leads me to no. 14.

14 Failed attempts don’t get to decide your options
Sometimes you just have to try again even if you have failed at your first attempt. It doesn’t mean that when an opportunity was unsuccessful, you don’t get the option to repeat for the second time.

15 Don’t be afraid to ask for help
It doesn’t kill to lean on someone else’s shoulders from time to time. Take a break and ask for a hand if necessary.

16 If you are scared to do something, sometimes it ends up being the best thing ever
Basically, strike the iron while it is still hot! Live in the present and experience things while you still can J

17 You have a purpose

18 Waiting is a process not stagnation
The process of waiting can make you feel unproductive and overwhelming but always remind yourself that each time you are in this course you are moving closer to where you are meant to be. 

19 Deciding is hard but decisions are even harder
Sticking to your decision is a lot harder especially if it comes to a point that you think you made the wrong choice. Sometimes you are only given one shot and you can never have the same options anymore. Do not be impulsive and decide on the ones you are sure you can manage no matter what.

20 Do things on your own
Being independent is one of the most fulfilling things you are going to teach yourself. It is definitely difficult but you are going to enjoy the experience.

21 It's okay to not be okay and cry
"Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising" - Jesse J (Who You Are)

22 Spend time with the people you love
Life can be unpredictable – people can come and leave anytime and what hurts the most is when you regret on not spending it with the people you love before it’s too late. TIME is essential and you make the most out of it. 

23 Getting older is inevitable but growing up is your choice


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